I noticed that Beacon DMV has added several new stop signs in the Main Street Access area, long-awaited.
These three intersections were among the ones discussed at a meeting between me — representing the Main Street Access Committee — and the City’s Traffic Safety board in 2021.
I checked the City code, and these were noted in Schedule VII: Stop Intersections, and the Cedar Street intersections had been among a group added by L.L. No. 8-2021, along with some others, like the Herbert intersection with Main.
Others we are still awaiting, like the remaining intersections on Dewindt, specifically with S Walnut.
The good news is that these intersections are now all-way stops.
My neighbor, who resides at the intersection at Dewindt and South Cedar tells me that it has immediately become much quieter, with none of the regular brake-squealing from near misses that were a general nuisance and danger.
The plan worked out with the Traffic Safety board was to ear-mark four intersections for the first phase of a three-phase program to turn all intersections in the Main Street Access Area for two blocks on either side of Main into all-way stops (excluding intersections with Main). At that meeting, we did not work out which should be next, but it seems like a good time to revisit the discussion.